

Reese Witherspoon's Life in Photos

The actress has been in the limelight for almost two decades.

I Tragically Lost the Love of My Life—One Habit Helped Me Grieve

It was the biggest gut punch of my life.

Why In-the-Know Men Are Dressing Like Cary Grant in 2024

Stylish guys are now embracing a refined, almost old-timey, style: ‘It projects power and confidence.’

Gen Z’s most notable status symbols, and the motivations behind them

Erewhon smoothies, thrifted Coach bags and platinum American Express cards are Gen Z's status symbols—and they signify a lot more than bank balance.

I'm Genuinely In Love With These Incredibly Smart Habits People Have Made To Improve Their Everyday Routines

"This has helped me accomplish more tasks, read more at night, and just be in the moment." View Entire Post ›

6 Bad Habits You Have To Break To Live Frugally

We're all guilty of not always adopting the most frugal lifestyle. Whether we're eating out more than we should, signing up for every streaming service we see or grocery shopping without a list --...

5 dirt-cheap purchases that can make retirement in America so much more comfortable and enjoyable — how many have you made?

Living frugally in your golden years? Consider these buys.

Adults Are Sharing The Life-Changing Habits And Routines They Wish They'd Started Way, Way Earlier In Life, And They're So Insightful

"Now, I have no patience or energy to put in all that work to attract the male gaze. I'm single and love it. Turns out, the thing I wanted the most was what destroyed me." View Entire Post ›

One Year Before Retirement: 4 Frugal Habits To Stop Now

Retirement marks a significant transition in life that brings many changes. As you approach this new chapter, it's essential to reassess and adjust your financial habits. While frugality has likely...

I used to get through a litre of vodka a night – here’s how I gave up the booze

“At my worst, I was drinking a bottle of vodka every day. I was over 20 stone in weight, my blood pressure was life-threatening, my cholesterol was hitting 8.6 and I was on various medications, including anti-depressants. I look at photos of myself then, bloated and miserable, and I appear ten years older than I do now. I was a ticking time bomb. I...

25 Times Princess Diana Nailed Casual Fashion

We're still emulating her effortless style today.

These 3 daily practices are the Japanese 'secret' for a 'long and happy life,' says authors of 'Ikigai'

Okinawa, Japan has the highest concentration of centenarians worldwide. Here are three principles that may lead to their longevity.

Woman, 100, who still works every day has simple tips for long life: 'Eat right, live right'

At 100, Miriam Todd still works 50 hours a week at her furniture store in New Jersey. She shares her simple tips for a long life and why she won't retire.

How a peak boomer who moved from Texas to a tiny home in New York lives 'perfectly comfortably' on less than $30,000 a year

Sam Mitchell lives comfortably in a tiny home in upstate New York making less than $30,000 a year from Social Security.

Couple builds passive house with unique, money-saving features: 'We really wanted to be thoughtful'

Passive homes are built to be as energy efficient as possible. Couple builds passive house with unique, money-saving features: 'We really wanted to be thoughtful' first appeared on The Cool Down.

Easing Anxiety: Natural Ways To Reduce Cortisol Levels

Cortisol is known as the stress hormone and although it plays a key part in our body’s function, high levels of it can have bad effects. Some of the effects include anxiety, decreased libido and muscle weakness, so here are a few ways to correct those levels. The first thing that you need to do is to get sufficient sleep as a rested body and mind will help you deal with stressful situations better. Next, you should exercise regularly as not only is it good for your mind, but it also helps release built-up tension and stress in your body. It is also advised to practice relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing exercises which will help lower your heart rate and blood pressure. You should also learn why you’re stressed out and plan out a way of fixing these issues in order to lower your cortisol levels. Lastly, healthy distractions are beneficial as they will help regulate your stress levels, so finding a hobby you can regularly do is helpful.

Vienna, the world’s most livable city

The Austrian capital is popular not only with travelers from around the world but with the Viennese themselves. Time and time again, Vienna has been chosen as the city with the best quality of life.

Alzheimer's Slowed by Intensive Lifestyle Changes

Small trial led by Dean Ornish, MD, shows cognitive improvement

Staying fit as you age isn’t just about exercise. Experts say to prioritize these 4 habits

A fitness regimen should incorporate mental and emotional fitness as well.

How a Maximalist Lei Maker and Her Family Downsized to a 1,000 Square-Foot Honolulu Bungalow

We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. When Meleana Estes downsized her family of three from a large home in need of major renovation to a turnkey beach bungalow on Honolulu’s south shore, she knew some Tetris-like organization would be part of the process. “Fitting my massive, crazy vint...

Why Bipolar Triggers Matter — Especially When It Comes to Stress

Convinced I had the ‘perfect’ work/life balance, I dismissed red flags of excess stress — until my symptoms built up and led to a breaking point. I was sitting in front of my computer in my home office, cranking out a poster design for a movie set, when I noticed my leg was extremely itchy.... The post Why Bipolar Triggers Matter — Especially When It Comes to Stress appeared first on bpHope.com.

24 Things People Over Age 60 Should Stop Doing

Want to Live a Longer, Healthier Life? These 2 Minutes Could Significantly Improve Your Fitness and Cut Your Mortality Risk by 40 Percent

How to increase your lifespan and healthspan, no gyms, equipment, workout programs, or supplements required.

Your body already has a built-in weight loss system that works like Wegovy, Ozempic and Mounjaro – food and your gut microbiome

Wegovy, Ozempic and Mounjaro are weight loss and diabetes drugs that have made quite a splash in health news. They target regulatory pathways involved in both obesity and diabetes and are widely considered breakthroughs for weight loss and blood sugar control. But do these drugs point toward a root cause of metabolic disease? What inspired their development in the first place? It turns out your body produces natural versions of these drugs –...

The 10 Best and Worst Foods for Your Kidneys, According to Dietitians

Learn what to eat more of and what to limit to support healthy kidneys.

How to make yourself more attractive, according to science

Simple but effective...

15 Things People Broke Spend Money On

I spent 6 years living on The World, a cruise ship for millionaires. It was like the Four Seasons on steroids — readjusting to reality was tough.

A former resident of The World, a residential ship for millionaires, said adjusting back to the real world after years onboard was sometimes tough.

Here are the 5 best reasons Americans should retire as soon as they can — and ideally in 2024 if you can afford to

If you can swing it, retiring early just may be your smartest move.

This Photographer Fit More Than 10 Seating Options in Her 700-Square-Foot Brooklyn Home

We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. Landing the “perfect” apartment in New York City requires a combination of funds, flexibility, and fortuitousness. In the case of photographer Dana Scruggs’s ethereal abode, it also took bopping around 13 different roommate situations for about a yea...

Are you in good shape to retire? Here are 5 telltale signs you're ready for a comfortable post-work life in America

So, you’ve retired, but have you retired very well?

30 Icons of the 1970s

Fashion, film, and music would never be the same.

Menopausal belly fat is real. 5 things a dietitian did to combat it

Menopausal weight gain impacts 60-70% women. Hormonal changes cause a redistribution of abdominal fat. A dietitian shares diet tips to reduce belly fat.

5 ways to avoid going broke in retirement

Retire from financial insecurity.

Data Shows Following These 8 Habits May Reduce Your 'Biological Age'

Your so-called biological age can reveal a lot about your longevity. Here's what the term means and what you need to do to slow down time.

20 Items You Can Ditch for a More Minimalist Lifestyle

Minimalism at home is about more than just an Instagram aesthetic featuring ivory walls, bare shelves, and pristine closets. Beyond decluttering, minimalism embraces simplicity and focuses on what truly sparks joy and adds value to everyday life. Try getting started with a good, old-fashioned purge.

Beyoncé nails the American old-money aesthetic during her Hamptons vacations

The star chose a piece from Spanish designer Charo Ruiz

8 Frugal Habits Retirees Swear By

Retirement can be a golden era, full of opportunities to enjoy the fruits of your labor. However, without the regular income you once had, managing your finances requires a bit more creativity and...

Mom Shares Tip That Helped Her Drop 160 Pounds Healthily—Without Fad Diets

"I changed my relationship with food, that is why it has been so successful," Brandi said.

Sober curiosity rising: How Americans are redefining socializing in a drinking culture

The number of Americans with alcohol use disorder nearly doubled from 2019-2022, but some studies show that over 40% of Americans are trying to drink less this year.

People Are Sharing Wellness Trends They Felt Were A Waste Of Money

Not everything is worth your time and money. View Entire Post ›

17 celebrities who have left Los Angeles on where they moved and why they did it

Some major stars have left Hollywood. Here are the places they chose instead, and their reasons for moving, from more room to breathe to lower taxes.

A Diet Low in 6 Key Foods Linked to Higher Risk of Heart Disease, Study Finds

More proof that these nutritious food groups support a balanced lifestyle and a healthy heart.

The French city named best in the world for quality of life

Grenoble is a destination that exceeds expectations. It has a terrible reputation. When I moved to France, it was the first place I stayed. As I deliberated about whether to live there or in Lyon, an hour away, people’s reactions said it all. “Why would you live in Grenoble?” they asked. “The pollution is terrible, there’s gangs, it’s France’s mafi...

'Island Girl Makeup' is the beach-inspired look that's taking social networks by storm

'Island Girl Makeup' is the beach-inspired look that's taking social networks by storm With summer just around the corner, what could be better than a subtly tanned, back-from-the-beach complexion? The "Island Girl Makeup" look seeks to recreate the glowing, sunkissed complexion of island life.

I'm an American who's lived in Paris for 15 years. Taking these 5 notes from the French has really improved my life.

As an American living in Paris, my lifestyle has improved in many ways, from how I eat to how I balance work and life. Others should take notes.

There is a best time of day to work out and it may lead to better results

There are several factors to consider when planning your workouts.

This Canadian city has found the sweet spot between low cost of living and high quality of life

"It's extremely cultural, great food scene, safe, bilingualism is an asset," an expat who moved to the city from the US previously told BI.

Young Americans are so obsessed with being rich it’s now distorting their views of their finances — here’s why ‘the norm’ no longer seems ‘normal’

The endless scroll takes its toll.

'I just was blindsided': This Florida retiree can't claim Social Security benefits despite paying the tax his whole life — after finding out he's not a US citizen 60 years later

After decades of paying his dues, this was the last news he expected.