Travel news


The French city named best in the world for quality of life

Grenoble is a destination that exceeds expectations. It has a terrible reputation. When I moved to France, it was the first place I stayed. As I deliberated about whether to live there or in Lyon, an hour away, people’s reactions said it all. “Why would you live in Grenoble?” they asked. “The pollution is terrible, there’s gangs, it’s France’s mafi...

The diet and lifestyle changes I made to lose four stone

Being told, at the age of just 42, that I was diabetic came as a huge shock. I knew I was overweight, and my lifestyle wasn’t exactly ideal, but Sarah, my wife, and I loved good food and had always been very health-conscious with our meals. No one in my family was diabetic. And I was so young. How did it come to this? Looking back, it was hardly su...

Are You Ready for Surf Style?

No Sex Wax here.

I used to get through a litre of vodka a night – here’s how I gave up the booze

“At my worst, I was drinking a bottle of vodka every day. I was over 20 stone in weight, my blood pressure was life-threatening, my cholesterol was hitting 8.6 and I was on various medications, including anti-depressants. I look at photos of myself then, bloated and miserable, and I appear ten years older than I do now. I was a ticking time bomb. I...

New Netflix series shares the secrets of how to live to 100

We’re all frequently (and often painfully) reminded about all the things that can shorten our life expectancy: too many processed foods; not enough exercise, to name but two. But now, a new Netflix documentary, created by bestselling author Dan Buettner, explores not what destroys us, but what can help us live to a ripe old age. Buettner has spent ...

'Island Girl Makeup' is the beach-inspired look that's taking social networks by storm

'Island Girl Makeup' is the beach-inspired look that's taking social networks by storm With summer just around the corner, what could be better than a subtly tanned, back-from-the-beach complexion? The "Island Girl Makeup" look seeks to recreate the glowing, sunkissed complexion of island life.

Want to live 20 years longer? Study finds 8 habits that can lengthen your life.

Living a long, healthy life is the goal for many people, but research is still uncovering exactly how to do just that. A large new study has singled out eight behaviors linked to longevity, and they're all surprisingly doable. Even better? The researchers found that adopting these habits at any time can help improve longevity — and the quality of y...

Hollywood's exodus: Why film and TV workers are leaving Los Angeles

With Hollywood production activity and employment down while the cost of living rises, some film and TV workers are leaving Los Angeles — and California.

I left London because I wanted to live a more old-fashioned life

‘It certainly wasn’t love at first sight,” says interior designer Mary Graham of the Yorkshire farmhouse she and her family moved into almost four years ago. “We’d seen it from the outside numerous times and it always looked a bit grim and bleak. We first went to look around it in the winter. The house was completely empty as the previous owners ha...

At 58, Elizabeth Hurley Shares Her ‘Simple’ Habits for Looking and Feeling Her Best

No “weird green juices” here.

The 3 Best Ways to Maintain Your Muscle Mass to Live Longer, According to Dietitians

Yes, strong muscles may lead to longer years!

18 Cities in the U.S. That Are Becoming a Retiree Hot Spot

Retirement is a special time when people look for the perfect place to relax and enjoy their golden years. Across the U.S., some cities are becoming very popular among retirees. These places offer great weather, fun activities, and friendly communities. In this list, we’ll share 18 cities catching the eye of people looking to make the most of their retirement. Whether you love the beach, the mountains, or vibrant city life, there’s a spot for you.

20 Ways to Live a More Minimalist Lifestyle

There’s more to minimalism than just a beautiful aesthetic. It’s a philosophy that fosters intentionality and mindfulness in our daily surroundings. Minimalism encourages us to reassess our possessions and prioritize only what brings genuine happiness and what we must keep for practical reasons. Starting with a simple purge will open up mental clarity and give your space a breath of fresh air.

10 of America's most affordable retirement spots, where the weather is good and healthcare is top-notch ranked retirement spots based on housing prices and amenities. The list included communities in Florida, California, and New Jersey.

6 Frugal Habits of the Super Rich and Famous

In order for you to live frugally, you might want to take a page out of the super-rich. Though it may seem counterintuitive, wealthy people often practice a frugal lifestyle as they only spend their...

The best ways to banish belly fat for men and women

How do you lose belly fat? The best diet to reduce belly fat The best exercises to help lost belly fat Belly fat is bad news. Every extra inch around the waist increases your chances of dying prematurely. A 2020 study published in the British Medical Journal found that for every four inches (10cm) of extra waist size, the chances of early mortality...

Seven Habits for a Happy Retirement

A long and happy retirement takes more than just money. Here are seven things happy retirees do – besides dutifully saving the money they’ll need to quit the 9-to-5 grind.

This Small Town in Oregon Is One of the Best Retirement Destinations in the U.S. for Its Affordable Housing and Top-notch Health Care — and It's Right Outside of Portland

King City, Oregon, ranked third in’s latest report on the hottest retirement destinations in the country.

Want to live longer? Follow 8 heart-healthy habits, says the American Heart Association

Making several specific lifestyle changes could slow biological aging by six years, according to a new study by the American Heart Association (AHA). Fox News Digital details the results.

Our kids fit in with our lifestyle — not the other way around

'All of my children went to their first festivals before their first birthdays.'

Younger Americans more likely to splurge on social media trends like Stanley mugs and subscription services — but here are 3 things they’re doing right that baby boomers aren’t

Roughly 38% of Gen Z confessed to buying viral items just so they could post it online.

‘I don’t care anymore’: Workers prefer juggling multiple part-time jobs rather than a full-time one — how ‘the Great Exhaustion’ is fuelling a new way of working

It’s a whole new world.

How southern European nations will be among the highest life expectancies worldwide

Longevity worldwide will rise by 2050, according to a recent University of Washington study, with one region of Europe seeing the greatest gains in life expectancy.

Everyday habits that age you faster

Several everyday habits can accelerate the aging process and make a person appear older than their actual age. Here are five of them: Excessive Sun Exposure Spending too much time in the sun without proper protection can lead to premature aging of the skin. Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can cause wrinkles, fine lines, […] The post Everyday habits that age you faster appeared first on The Independent News.

Dietary treatment found to be more effective than medicines in irritable bowel syndrome

A study conducted at the University of Gothenburg found that with dietary adjustments, more than 7 out of 10 irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients had significantly reduced symptoms, compared with medications. The work is published in The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology journal.

6 Bad Habits You Have To Break To Live Frugally

We're all guilty of not always adopting the most frugal lifestyle. Whether we're eating out more than we should, signing up for every streaming service we see or grocery shopping without a list --...

Scientists Identify Diet That May Keep Women Healthy As They Age

A study looking at the diets of almost 50,000 women has investigated the role that dietary protein plays in aging.

Alzheimer's Slowed by Intensive Lifestyle Changes

Small trial led by Dean Ornish, MD, shows cognitive improvement

Architect couple inspired by nature to build their home in Catskill Mountains — and it has remarkable sustainability features

The cottage gives the perfect escape from their life in Manhattan. Architect couple inspired by nature to build their home in Catskill Mountains — and it has remarkable sustainability features first appeared on The Cool Down.

I Never Travel Without Red Lipstick—Here Are My Long-Lasting Favorites

A red lip is an undeniable classic; these are the ones I wear at home in Paris and on the road.

Luxury-travel advisors are in demand as Gen Z and millennials splurge on stress-free, meaningful vacations

Luxury-travel advisors are seeing a growth in demand as Gen Z and millennial travelers look to enjoy convenient planning for fun travel experiences.

24 Travel Habits, Routines, And Upgrades That Frequent Fliers Swear By For A More Stress-Free Vacation

"It makes such a big difference and lets me fuel up for the day ahead without even thinking about it." View Entire Post ›

Your beginner guide to the Mediterranean diet: Which foods to eat and what a sample menu looks like

You’ve likely heard about the Mediterranean diet — a favorite of both doctors and nutritionists, thanks to its numerous health benefits. But you might not know exactly where to begin if you wanted to try it. The good news is that it’s easier than you might think. Vanessa Perrone, dietitian and author of Everyday Mediterranean, tells Yahoo Life that...

A day in the life of someone who lives in Montreal — the 'Paris of North America'

I live in Montreal, a Canadian city with a distinctly European feel. Some people even call it the Paris of North America. Here's what a day is like.

8 Things Frugal People Always Do When They First Retire

Retirement marks a significant transition in life, often accompanied by changes in income and lifestyle. Frugal individuals, known for their prudent financial habits, approach this phase with specific...

8 luxury small living room ideas that bring the right kind of drama

Add atmosphere with our experts' luxury small living room ideas

Young Americans are so obsessed with being rich it’s now distorting their views of their finances — here’s why ‘the norm’ no longer seems ‘normal’

The endless scroll takes its toll.

What Are Blood Sugar Levels—And How Can You Keep Yours in a Healthy Range?

Medically reviewed by Kelly Wood, MD Blood sugar is the primary sugar in your blood that your body processes to use for energy. When you eat carbohydrates, like bread or sweets, they break down into blood sugar in your bloodstream to be converted into energy. Your blood sugar level naturally fluctuates during the day, depending on many factors, suc...

A millennial added foldable pieces to her 312-square-foot studio. It now transforms into 4 different rooms. Take a look.

Helen Zhou's apartment is like a "transformer" after a $31,000 renovation. The same small space is used for sleeping, eating, working, and lounging.

14 Household Tasks You Should Be Doing Weekly To Keep Things Running Smoothly

Keep your home tidy even when things are busy by completing a few important cleaning tasks every week. Learn what to clean weekly to keep your home clean.

7 Hair Colors Worth Trying Now, According to Pros

In the last four-plus years, hair color went from boxed hair dye and grown-out roots to some semblance of normalcy.

30 Activities to Avoid After 75: The Golden Years

We all have loved ones that have hit this magical milestone. Or maybe you've reached 75 yourself! 75 and older can be a wonderful chapter to life, but some things no longer make sense to do.

I'm Genuinely In Love With These Incredibly Smart Habits People Have Made To Improve Their Everyday Routines

"This has helped me accomplish more tasks, read more at night, and just be in the moment." View Entire Post ›

Woody Harrelson’s vegan journey: From Acne struggles to activism!

Discover how Woody Harrelson's switch to a vegan diet transformed his life, cleared his acne, and fueled his passion for activism.

This Guy Lost 80 Pounds and Gained Discipline Through Yoga

Zach Wolf never thought he'd be in a yoga studio in the first place.

I live in a tiny home mansion and fell in love with it — it's the only way I could afford to live in California

She moved into a tiny-home mansion to afford to live in California. Stacey Murphy can now live there and afford more luxuries.

This Danish Fashion Designer’s Minimalist Home Is the Exact Opposite of Her Clothing Line

We may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. When Helle Hestehave met her husband, Lars Oxfeldt Mortensen, nearly 20 years ago, she had no idea they would raise their family in the same house for the next two decades. The four-bedroom townhome is located in Copenhagen’s Kartoffelrækkerne distri...

Françoise Hardy and how 1960s French chic can inspire your summer wardrobe

Do you have a basket bag in your summer wardrobe? A broderie anglaise blouse, or a pair of wide-legged jeans? Might you wear it with a shirt, knotted at the waist, or espadrilles that lace at the ankle? For many of us, the answer will be yes to at least a couple of those styling touches. These modern wardrobe staples owe their origins to the effort...

Why some of California's most outdoorsy people are moving to...Las Vegas?

With its strip clubs and slot machines, Las Vegas is one of the indoors-iest places on Earth. But just outside the city, elite outdoor athletes are buying homes, starting families and declaring Las Vegas the adventure sports capital of the U.S.

67-year-old American 'happily retired' in Mexico: I'm so relieved I did these 3 things in my 20s and 30s

Mexico-based retiree Janet Blaser shares the top things she is glad she did when she was younger.