It has been a tough few years for millennials, as they had to (begrudgingly) throw out their skinny jeans when Gen Z said they weren't cool, and they found out that ankle socks and crop tops aren't no longer in style either.

However, now, there is yet another wardrobe staple that appears to show whether you are truly a millennial trying to fit into a world of Gen Z trendsetters: sunglasses.

Shades are an ever-faithful accessory to elevate any outfit, but Jordan Harper, 36, told Newsweek that the cool kids are now wearing their sunglasses "further down the bridge of the nose." Gone are the days of pushing them up to your face and, you know, actually shielding your eyes from the sun. Now, it's all about looking effortless as they slip to the end of your nose.

Harper, of Knoxville, Tennessee, was lounging in the sun with her friend and colleague Ashley, brand director for Harper's business, Barefaced, when she was informed of the latest Gen Z rule. So astonished, she took to Instagram (@jordanharper_np) to share her confusion.

The hilarious clip revealing that Harper had been wearing sunglasses "the wrong way" has left internet users in hysterics, with over 1.3 million views since it was shared on June 3.

"I've never thought twice about the way I wear my sunglasses, so I was getting schooled in this video," Harper said.

"I love how each generation puts their own spin on things and is constantly challenging each other to try new things. This was a lighthearted topic that brought people together, and it's nice to see people having fun on social media."

Despite learning this new rule, Harper just can't get on board with it and still keeps her sunglasses a bit higher up the nose. Millennial habits are just too ingrained to be mixed up.

While they have certainly faced their fair share of fashion critiques, millennials aren't taking it too personally, according to a YouGov poll. The 2021 survey of 2,349 Americans found that 55 percent of millennials consider themselves fashionable, the highest of any generation. In comparison, 46 percent of Gen Z think they are fashionable, and 40 percent say they aren't.

Older Americans were most likely to believe that they aren't keeping up with the latest styles, as 67 percent of baby boomers described themselves as unfashionable, and 55 percent of Generation X.

Many people might wonder why it even matters how you wear your sunglasses (how millennial of you). However, according to Harper, it is all about creating a look and intentionally using them as an accessory.

After learning about the sunglasses rule, Harper thought it would be funny to share it on social media, but she had no idea that it would generate such a strong response online.

She added: "When we took this video, we were just lounging by the pool, being funny, and never expected this video to pick up so much momentum. Turns out, people are really passionate about the sunglasses debate.

"The funny thing is Ashley herself isn't even a Gen Z, but it started a lighthearted battle of the generations that I think people related to and had fun with."

Plenty of Instagram users were quick to comment on the video to weigh in on this highly important debate. One comment reads: "Why is Gen Z obsessed with channeling grandpa vibes? First the socks, now this."

Another person responded: "Dad way for sure! I'm all about protecting my eyes and actually blocking the sun than down on my nose more for looks!"

A third person joked: "If I could glue them to my forehead so they never slip again, I would."

Do you have any funny viral videos or pictures that you want to share? We want to see the best ones! Send them in to [email protected] and they could appear on our site.

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