In an ideal world, we’d have time to sit down and savor the rich flavors, scents, and appearance of our food. In reality, we’re often eating while working, driving, or otherwise distracted. But experts say that mindful eating — the practice of being present, focused, and intentional while eating — can help you better tune into your body’s needs and bring more enjoyment to your meals. And it can be done even if you’ve got a full plate (of commitments).

The Benefits of Mindful Eating for Health and Weight Loss

Mindful eating is an extension of mindfulness meditation — the act of intentionally doing one thing at a time with awareness, without judgment, says Ebony Butler, PhD, a licensed psychologist and food relationship strategist based in Austin, Texas, who goes by Dr. Ebony professionally. Eating mindfully can bring about a more open way of thinking about food.

Mindful-Eating Benefits for Your Health

Mindful eating is about tuning into all your senses as you eat. In a world where multitasking is the norm, mindful eating challenges you to slow down and focus on your meal, says Dr. Ebony.

Research shows that a significant benefit of mindful eating is that it encourages us to approach food in a nonjudgmental way. Another study found that it can help people who experience anxiety or guilt around food, or who are navigating disordered eating habits.

Mindful eating encourages you to trust your decisions in how you eat rather than following an overly strict, rigid set of dieting rules, says Barbara Shabazz, PsyD, a licensed psychologist in private practice in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Taking a more intuitive approach to eating may even help with gastrointestinal issues, Dr. Shabazz says. One study found that connecting the mind and the body when eating can reduce stress and digestive issues. 

Can Mindful Eating Lead to Weight Loss? 

Mindful eating is not centered on weight loss, nor is weight loss the goal of this approach.

In some instances, people may gain weight once they begin practicing mindful eating if they weren’t eating enough calories and mindful eating allows them to better tap into their body’s hunger and thirst cues. Some people won’t see weight gain or loss.

In other cases, the practice of mindful eating may lead to weight loss, Dr. Ebony says. Research also shows that some people who lost weight by using a mindful eating approach did not gain it back.

There are multiple reasons for that. One is that being more attuned to your body’s needs can cut down on emotional eating. Other research shows that a more mindful way of approaching food can help with hunger awareness and reduce external eating, which is eating in response to the sight or smell of certain foods rather than eating because we’re hungry. “Sometimes we get seconds or don’t eat because of conditioned behaviors, but with mindful eating, you can make a more intentional decision either way,” says Dr. Ebony.

If you have decided to lose weight for health reasons, consider combining mindful eating with nutrition counseling, Shabazz says. “Mindful eating by itself may be effective for weight loss, but if you’re not as knowledgeable about healthy nutrition, mindful eating alone will most likely not lead to weight loss.”

How to Practice Mindful Eating Even if You’re Busy

To be fair, much like people set aside time to meditate, mindful eating requires some time and effort, too. “We are so busy in our day-to-day lives that we often squeeze in eating whenever and wherever we can, and that often means pairing it with other activities or tasks. Becoming a mindful eater will require that you plan and make time for it,” Dr. Ebony says.

But it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Our two experts suggest ways to make it work.

1. Start Slowly

Dr. Ebony suggests beginning with one meal or snack and working your way up over time. “If you’re eating an apple or popcorn, you can simply be intentional about eating the apple or popcorn while doing nothing else except engaging your senses. Observe the smells, textures, taste, sounds, and visuals. Engaging your senses helps you stay in the moment and present,” she says.

If you have a craving for ice cream, resist the urge to judge yourself before, during, or after eating it, Shabazz says. Instead, focus on savoring each bite and fully experiencing the flavors and textures. Accept your choice as just one food option you chose for that day. Tomorrow, you may eat fruit rather than ice cream; either option is okay.

2. Practice Makes It Easier 

Mindful eating can be challenging at first, but the more you practice being present and intentional while eating, the easier it will become to tune out distractions and resist the urge to have a working lunch or hop on social media while eating dinner, Shabazz says. If you find yourself distracted or reaching for your phone, take a deep breath to center yourself and refocus.

3. Let Go of Food Guilt

You may have been taught to feel guilty when eating certain foods or specific amounts of food. Dr. Ebony stresses the importance of releasing preconceived notions you may have formed about eating that lead to guilt and shame. You’re learning how to make healthy food choices and to improve your relationship with food by being fully present when eating.

Over time, this may also lead to gratitude for the experience itself, as well as a lessening of judgments you may have about yourself, your body, or your eating habits.

4. Be Kind to Yourself

Mindful eating may come to you quickly or may be challenging. You may also find practicing on certain days or with certain meals more difficult than others.

Good and bad days are to be expected, and both are entirely normal, says Shabazz. The most important thing you can do is to be kind and patient with yourself and as present as possible while eating.

5. Plan Ahead

Because mindful eating requires time, Dr. Ebony suggests building in a window where you’re able to eat without distraction, at least for some meals. If mornings while your family is getting ready for work and school are too hectic, maybe you can set aside one lunch break over the course of the week where you can sit by yourself on a park bench and just be.

6. Try Not to Get Too Hungry

It’s hard to eat mindfully when you’re famished, Dr. Ebony says. When you’re well past hunger, you may rush through your meal without enjoying it, make food choices you wouldn’t otherwise make, or eat more than feels comfortable.

The Wrap-Up

Mindful eating can be a wonderful way to help you be more in tune with your body, the tastes and scents of the food in front of you, and your feelings of hunger and fullness. It can also help reduce a rigid or too-harsh way of thinking about food. Although the practice of mindful eating does take intention, it can be a part of your daily life, even if you have a full calendar.

If you are finding that your relationship with food makes you feel guilt or shame, you may also want to speak with a mental health provider or registered dietitian with expertise in building a healthy relationship with food. For some people, counting calories and frequently stepping on the scale may not be right, Shabazz says. You can focus on educating yourself on healthy and nutritious food and meal options and adopting a positive relationship with eating that you can even pass down to your children.


Editorial Resources and Fact-Checking

  • Nelson JB. Mindful Eating: The Art of Presence While You Eat. Diabetes Spectrum. August 2017.
  • Sala M et al. Mindfulness and Eating Disorder Psychopathology: A Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Eating Disorders. June 2020.
  • Cherpak CE. Mindful Eating: A Review of How the Stress-Digestion-Mindfulness Triad May Modulate and Improve Gastrointestinal and Digestive Function. Integrative Medicine. August 2019.
  • Dunn C et al. Mindfulness Approaches and Weight Loss, Weight Maintenance, and Weight Regain. Current Obesity Reports. March 2018.
  • Warren JM et al. A Structured Literature Review on the Role of Mindfulness, Mindful Eating and Intuitive Eating in Changing Eating Behaviours: Effectiveness and Associated Potential Mechanisms. Nutrition Research Reviews. July 18, 2017.

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