It goes without saying that life in Germany is far from perfect. The bureaucracy can be as bad as its reputation suggests, there’s a reluctance to modernise in many important areas of life (over half the population still use cash over cards, and that’s after all the digital progress during the pandemic), and the famous rules and regulations can feel endless and exhausting. 

Then there’s the nonchalant (grumpy) customer service, the frustratingly complicated language, and the fact that shops are shuttered on Sundays. But while these things can – and do – grate on the nervous system, the Germans also do many things better than back home. Below is a selection of the things I personally appreciate as a British expatriate.


While being located in central Europe and bordered by nine countries has had some, er, dramatic geopolitical consequences in the past, these days it’s mostly a boon – especially if you love train travel. From Berlin, Europe is literally at your feet. I can be in Prague in under five hours, Warsaw or Amsterdam in around six hours, Paris in eight hours, and Budapest within half a day. The trains usually have a dining car too, making the journey – along with a good book and some stellar views – a wonderful part of the travel experience.

Train travel 

Speaking of which, public transport in Germany is generally well-integrated, well-maintained and often way cheaper than the UK, at least when it comes to peak-time longer-distance travel. Germany has also been investing heavily in making trains more appealing as part of its climate agenda and currently offers superb deals like the €49 ticket, which is valid all over the country for regional trains (not the high-speed ones) for a year. Talking of speed, trains are generally faster in Germany too – you can get from Berlin to Munich in under four hours and most other large cities are similarly well-connected. 

Landscapes and nature

While it’s true that the UK has some world-class scenery, Germany simply has more. The country is almost 50 per cent bigger than Britain and has held on to more of its biodiversity. Its expansive northern coastline is home to hundreds of miles of sandy beaches and atmospheric islands, while the south has some of Europe’s finest alpine scenery. The weather tends to be better, too: warmer in summer, less rainy throughout the year, and colder in winter, which allows for more skiing and snow-themed opportunities. The countryside is also more accessible from German cities than British ones, thanks to a superior public transport system (see above).

Motorway driving 

Don’t like train travel? Kein problem! The roads and motorways are better here too. Germany has almost four times the amount of motorway infrastructure – over 8,000 miles compared to 2,300 miles across Britain. On over 70 per cent of them there’s no speed limits, and when there is one it’s a slightly more relaxed 80 mph compared to Britain’s maximum of 70 mph.

Public transport and cycling

While they’re not quite Amsterdam or Copenhagen, German cities have very decent infrastructure for getting around without a car. Even here in the German capital it’s entirely possible to navigate the city via the excellent bus, tram and train connections. These are supplemented by a cycle-path network that has been slowly but surely improving in recent years. Local and long-distance trains also have dedicated bike carriages that enable a mix of cycling and public transport.

Crime and safety

Without wanting to paint the UK as a ‘Lord of the Flies’-type island full of constant drunken brawls, there is a discernible contrast in terms of aggressive, hostile or violent public behaviour. It sounds extraordinary to say this but in the 15 years I have been here I have never witnessed a fight, whether on the streets or inside a bar. Much of this has to do with alcohol consumption of course – Germans love a drink too, but their propensity to go overboard is way, way lower. Anti-social behaviour is also more frowned upon here and the European Crime Index lists Germany as lower on crime and higher on safety than the UK.

Cost of living

Yup, it’s cheaper – everything from dining out and buying groceries to a pint of beer and monthly rent. A quick online comparison shows that I would need around £5,700 to maintain the same standard of life in Great Britain as I have with £4,800 in Berlin. Salaries are generally higher in Germany too, with the average gross wage in Germany around £40,866 compared to about £30,000 per year back home. True, taxes are higher in Germany – but those get you a better standard of healthcare and transportation, plus free education (see below) and more.

Free education

Despite the global reputation of Britain’s ‘super-universities’ Cambridge and Oxford, German education has a huge advantage: it’s practically free. Where the average UK student winds up paying around £9,000 a year (international students pay 2-3 times more), students in Germany pay only an admin fee. As shown above, the cost of living is cheaper in Germany too, and being part of the EU means more opportunities in terms of part-time work while studying and full-time work after graduating. 


Thanks partly to the NHS being badly underfunded in recent decades, Germany’s health system is superior, as the recent pandemic clearly underlined. Germany has more doctors per head of population, an easier process in terms of getting appointments, better quality hospitals with more beds and shorter waiting times for specialist treatments. The catch? You have to pay for it. Then again, can you put a price on health?

Work-life balance

Germans have a special phrase to use when they’re done with their work – “Schönen Feuerabend”, they say to each other – which translates roughly as “have a beautiful evening celebration”. It’s a linguistic indicator of how Germans value their leisure time and tend to be very protective of it: once the “Feuerabend” is announced, you are off the work hook completely. No late night at the office, no after-work drinks, no answering emails during holidays or weekends. With exceptions (we have start-ups here too), employers respect this system too.

Have you spent time living or travelling in Germany? How does it compare with Britain? Please leave your comments below. 


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