Habits that can help you overcome challenges and experience better living.

Let's face it: Change is hard. But I learned a long time ago that if you're scared of change, you forgo the potential benefits of producing happiness and experiencing a better life.

The first step I had to take to embrace change was to grow a pair. Yes, I was freaked out and scared. But I had to stretch my neck over the wall that held me back and see what was on the other side: an opportunity to realize the life I had always envisioned. When I got over the hurdles of change, I began to fill my life with more joy, excitement, peace, and possibilities. Now you can too. Here are six things you can do to change your life.

1. Simplify how you manage your day

Simplifying doesn't mean eliminating everything you've worked hard to achieve. It's about making intelligent choices among the options at your disposal. It's about realizing that striving to "have it all" has prevented you from enjoying the things that contribute to your happiness. It's about identifying what matters to you and gracefully releasing the things that don't.

2. Let go of people who bring you stress

If someone is consistently causing you stress, and you are unable to improve the situation, consider limiting the amount of time you spend with that person or ending the relationship altogether. This is especially true if you frequently engage in heated discussions on topics that trigger you and cause your blood pressure to rise, such as politics and religion. It's important to learn to avoid these people and instead focus on cultivating a peaceful state of mind.

3. Distance yourself from vicious gossip

In HR circles, certain types of gossip are considered workplace violence and a form of attack. In fact, workplace gossip can have serious consequences, mainly if the person spreading it holds a position of power over the person receiving it. Some of the negative outcomes of workplace gossip include:

  • A decline in trust and morale
  • Decreased productivity and wasted time
  • Heightened anxiety among employees as rumors spread without clear information
  • Divisions among colleagues as individuals take sides
  • Hurt feelings and reputational damage

In the worst cases, gossip can even result in the loss of valuable employees who leave the company because of an unhealthy work environment.

If gossip has turned the workplace into a hostile environment, your best action is to walk away, as it will save you unnecessary stress and a good reputation. If you're caught in it often, limit those who gossip. Turn down lunch invitations and impromptu Zoom calls, and walk away from water cooler conversations that go south. Then seek work relationships with positive people who respect others, focus on themselves, and don't get sucked into a groupthink mentality (which happens when a group makes terrible decisions because of group pressures).

4. Listen more and speak less

Effective listening is a crucial factor in communication. It involves being patient and allowing the speaker to express their thoughts before responding. Interrupting others while speaking or finishing their sentences can be seen as bad habits that hinder effective communication. To test your listening skills, ask yourself how often you interrupt others while they speak. Do you find yourself trying to finish someone else's sentence? Remember, real listening occurs when we lay our egos aside, and both parties are content to listen and respond thoughtfully.

5. Stop "faking it till you make it"

Sometimes, we may hide our true selves to achieve a desired outcome. We put on a faade and try to impress others in social situations. However, this "faking it till you make it" approach is ineffective in the long run. It may provide short-term gains but can have serious consequences that could damage your reputation and relationships.

Instead, it's better to be honest with yourself and others, drop the mask, and embrace your true identity. By being authentic, you will notice a significant difference in the people you attract and how they treat you.

6. Set smaller goals

Consider setting smaller goals to avoid feeling overwhelmed when pursuing a Big Hairy Audacious Goal. Taking small steps can help build your confidence, keep you moving forward, and prevent you from getting bogged down in the enormity of your final goal. Instead of focusing on the top of the mountain, concentrate on the first molehill and take the first step toward achieving your goal.

This post originally appeared at

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