If there's one thing the pandemic has taught me, it's that investing in self-care can be absolutely life-changing. And though there are items that you can splurge on with money, there are also SO MANY free or inexpensive ways to practice self-care... You just have to be willing to invest the time into yourself.

For those who are looking to add some self-care into their lives, we asked the BuzzFeed Community to share their favorite cost-effective tips. Here are some of the best answers:

1."Getting enough sleep and having a regular sleep schedule. There is no single thing I have done that has had a greater impact on my overall well-being. I know that family, work, or other obligations can make this difficult or impossible for some people, but if it’s possible, it costs $0 and will literally change your life."

—Anonymous, 27, US

2."Make your bed. It seems like such a small thing, but it really makes a difference for me. Even if the rest of the day has been crappy, I come home, see my bed and think, 'This is something I accomplished today.'"


3."Stretching every morning and evening. It's life-changing, no matter your age. It only takes five minutes twice a day to stretch out your legs and hips, lower back, shoulders, and arms. It's not painless if you do it correctly, but I'm capable of doing so much more and feel great doing it. It also doesn't matter how young or old you are, anyone can start doing it!"


4."I cannot emphasize just going outside and taking a walk enough. Don’t let yourself skip breaks; get up and move. It’s good to move, get away from your desk, and get some fresh air for a few minutes."


5."Stop saving things for a special occasion! You bought it so you might as well use it. I remember reading a story where someone was cleaning out their aunt's home who had passed and saw all the stuff she bought she was saving but now would never get to use. So go ahead and burn that candle whenever you want. Use that bath bomb now instead of a day you might be stressed. Wear that cute dress you've been saving. You already spent that money, go ahead and make sure it doesn't go to waste."


6."I kind of hate myself for this but: exercise. Any kind, but ideally outside and with a friend. Going for long walks with my partner and talking about our lives does more for my mental health than almost anything else."


7."The busier my work gets, the more I insist on carving out time for myself. I leave by 5 p.m. no matter how much work I have (except for a big emergency that would really affect others). I never got my directors used to my 24/7 availability."


8."Taking one day to not read the news, listen to the news, or discuss politics and the state of the world."


9."I started keeping my phone on DND so others could see that notification if they text me. I’m a highly anxious person who feels they have to respond right away, and keeping my phone on DND has helped me relax since people know I’m not ignoring them — I’m just busy (or not)."


10."Have a dedicated night routine. Take off the day so to speak. It doesn’t have to be elaborate, just consistent. There’s no point in taking care of your house if you don’t also take care of your body. It is literally your home, your vessel. Clean it, feed it (mentally and physically), love it."


11."Bubble baths with a glass of wine, my chill music playlist, and a book."


12."Cuddling my daughter! She is a young kid and is very rarely still, but I have made a point to spend the last 30 minutes of the day dedicated to snuggling her and reading books together. Lately, it's been The Chronicles of Narnia (we're on Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and doing Reepicheep's voice is the most hilarious thing to her). Whether it's cuddling her or a long, long hug with my partner, it feels like a factory reset. Much needed!"


13."There is nothing better than dancing off stress to your favorite song in the kitchen in your pajamas."


"I have depression. A lot of times, I don’t care to listen to music. However, once in a while, I will lock myself up in my room and just dance to a favorite song. It’s highly cathartic."


14."Singing. If I’m singing for self-expression, all technique goes out the window and it’s cathartic. If I’m singing for technique, it’s very mindful and it requires me to be present in the moment and pay attention to what my body is doing."


15."Hydration, hydration, hydration! Inside and outside. I struggled with terrible acne-ridden skin, and just feeling sluggish and gross. I started focusing more on drinking more water and revamped my skin routine toward hydrating formulas instead of the usual acne treatments that dry you out. My skin has never glowed like this, and overall, my body feels much better."


16."Drinking coffee by myself in the morning every day for 30–45 minutes. This time allows me to ease into my day — instead of feeling rushed — and I get to enjoy some delicious coffee."

—32, Chicago

17."I hang eucalyptus in my shower and make DIY lip scrubs (sugar + honey)."

—29, Pennsylvania

18."Keeping skincare in the fridge is life-changing. Putting on cold toner, eye cream, serum, and moisturizer after a hot shower or on a warm summer morning is so refreshing!"

—30, California

19."The most important free thing you can do for your self-care is allow yourself rest time. Too many people act as though because there’s so much to do all the time, rest is something they simply can’t afford, a waste of time. All that does is accelerate burnout. Every person needs to realize that the tasks to be done will never run out and you will never be able to 'get caught up,' much less get ahead of them. Put 'rest' on your to-do list, every single day. You might be amazed by how accepting the necessity of downtime can reduce stress."


Do you have any other self-care tips? Share in the comments below!

Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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