The list of things to consider before bringing home a new pet is long. How much space does it take up? How much does it cost to care for? Do you have time to give it the attention it needs? And, also, how long does it live?

The longest-living pets come with pros and cons. The downside is that you're committing to caring for an animal for years. Maybe even decades. The upside? Well, same thing. You'll have a pet that ages right by your side. These animals are among the longest-living critters you can keep as a pet. 

Bearded Dragons

Potential lifespan: 15 years

Bearded dragons are an excellent choice for a low-maintenance pet that lives for years. They're easier to handle than most lizards, and happily hang out with their owners in the way a pet rat or guinea pig might. Their enclosure setup is also pretty simple. They need a heat lamp on one side, plus a UV bulb and a hygrometer to make sure the humidity doesn't get too high. 

The dealbreaker for some potential pet parents is that they need to eat live insects daily. They can also eat fresh veggies, but crickets are non-negotiable. That means frequent trips to the pet store for the duration of your beardie's life. Other than that, they're pretty easy to own.


Potential lifespan: 15 years

The humble house cat has an impressively long lifespan. Some breeds routinely live into their teens, and the oldest cat on record is 27 years old. Cats require more attention than most small pets, but they're more self-sufficient than dogs by a landslide.

They usually groom themselves and rarely need baths, and they won't develop separation anxiety while you're at work. Just be prepared to clean a litter box or two, and be aware that scratched-up furniture is a distinct possibility. 

Miniature Poodles

Potential lifespan: 18 years

Mini poodles are one of America's favorite dog breeds, and for good reason. The petite pooches have all the personality of a bigger dog, just in a tiny, apartment-friendly package. Poodles are among the smartest, long-living pets around. They're also the most work, requiring daily walks, monthly grooming and plenty of love and attention to keep them happy.

Dogs aren't usually the longest-living pets, but several small dog breeds are known for living into their teens. Mini poodles are one of them, and owners can expect to enjoy around a decade and a half with their curly companion.


Potential lifespan: 20 years

The other longest-living dog breed is the spunky little Chihuahua. Sure, the oldest dogs ever recorded are mostly larger herding breeds, but small breeds live longer on average. Chihuahuas often live into their teens, and one Chihuahua mix lived until 23. 

Chihuahuas have buckets of character, for better or worse. They tend to be feisty and outgoing, loyal and like velcro. They're small enough to take with you everywhere, and that's a plus since they won't want to leave your side.


Potential lifespan: 20 years

Geckos, particularly leopard geckos, tend to live for years and years, and they don't change visibly as they age. They're hardy and easy to care for, and 13 to 20 years is an average lifespan for these colorful reptiles. and one leopard gecko lived until the ripe old age of 28.

Bearded dragons are the easiest pet lizard to handle, but leopard geckos are a close second. They're tons of fun to watch and require minimal care, so it's not as serious of a commitment as bringing home a dog or cat. Leopard geckos can develop vitamin D and calcium deficiencies, so giving them a UVB lamp to bask under, plus vitamin supplements, is a must. Like most lizards, they primarily eat insects, so prepare to have a box of bugs around the house to keep them happy.

For more longest-living pets, check out Always Pets.

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