
Here's How to Get the Enchanting Nancy Meyers Aesthetic In Your Home

The Nancy Meyers aesthetic effortlessly brings all the charm—here's how to get the look.

A California millennial who makes six figures says it feels like he has to choose between buying a home, starting a family, and advancing his career: 'I feel behind financially'

A California-based millennial who makes six figures shares why the costs of homeownership and starting a family have made him feel far from "rich."

We're much happier living in Spain than in the U.S. — here's how much it costs

Jessica and Eric Smith relocated from Kansas to Logroño, Spain in 2021 with about $45,000 in savings. Despite achieving many elements typical of the American dream, the couple says they still felt unfulfilled. Jessica was seven months pregnant when they made the move abroad, and two months later their son, Quinton, was born. Jessica and Eric have since found a way to live in Spain long-term by becoming self-employed content creators.

How Healthy Are Avocados Really?

Avocados are known for their abundance of healthy nutrients and numerous health benefits. But what are these nutrients and benefits exactly? Avocados are full of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats that can help lower your cholesterol levels. Dr. Frank Hu and his team at Harvard studied the effects of avocados on the health of 110,000 adults over 30 years old. The research team found that people who ate at least 2 servings a week had a 21% lower risk of coronary heart disease. Avocados are great for your gut microbiome as they are high in fiber, which helps with weight control and healthy gut activity. It contains vitamin £, which can help keep the skin healthy, lutein, which aids vision, and potassium, which helps reduce high blood pressure. However, Dr. Martin Kohlmeier, a professor at the University of North Carolina, says, "Many reported effects are replacement effects."

Here Are 14 Lifestyle Changes Are Recommended for Anxiety

Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, or uneasiness. It can be mild or severe and range from temporary to chronic. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting nearly one-third of adults at some point in their lives. Anxiety can affect anyone, but certain factors increase risk, including genetics and traumatic experiences. When anxiety becomes so severe that it interferes with daily life, treatment is needed to overcome it. A combination of medication and lifestyle changes are recommended for anxiety. Here are 10 lifestyle changes suggested for anxiety:

Architecture students design structure that breaks the mold of builder-grade homes: 'Something they've never seen before'

"Now, we have up to 1,200 people come to our open house." Architecture students design structure that breaks the mold of builder-grade homes: 'Something they've never seen before' first appeared on The Cool Down.

Your beginner guide to the Mediterranean diet: Which foods to eat and what a sample menu looks like

You’ve likely heard about the Mediterranean diet — a favorite of both doctors and nutritionists, thanks to its numerous health benefits. But you might not know exactly where to begin if you wanted to try it. The good news is that it’s easier than you might think. Vanessa Perrone, dietitian and author of Everyday Mediterranean, tells Yahoo Life that...

6 Frugal Habits of the Super Rich and Famous

In order for you to live frugally, you might want to take a page out of the super-rich. Though it may seem counterintuitive, wealthy people often practice a frugal lifestyle as they only spend their...

A Taylor Swift Fashion Expert Told Me the 6 Summer Styles the Global Superstar Wears Most

She studied Swift's style for over a decade.

Oil Painter Goes Viral for Stunning, Relatable Still Lifes of Food — and One Ends Up in “Mean Girls” (Exclusive)

Noah Verrier's love of still lifes has brought his career to new heights

We moved from the suburbs to our vacation home. I save at least 10 hours a week not commuting, and my kids have a happy, outdoorsy life.

A vacation home in the Poconos became the Fell family's primary residence. They enjoy tax benefits, more family time, and being surrounded by nature.

The impact of lifestyle intervention in rheumatoid arthritis

EULAR—The European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology—has previously made recommendations for lifestyle interventions in people with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The overarching principles define the need for a healthy lifestyle, with specific recommendations that emphasize the importance of a healthy, balanced diet.

I Weighed 500lbs. Walking Every Day Changed My Life

There's nothing worse than trying to lose weight and having a craving, so I didn't ignore that craving, I fed it.

25 Times Princess Diana Nailed Casual Fashion

We're still emulating her effortless style today.

24 Travel Habits, Routines, And Upgrades That Frequent Fliers Swear By For A More Stress-Free Vacation

"It makes such a big difference and lets me fuel up for the day ahead without even thinking about it." View Entire Post ›

The Secrets of Longevity: 15 Habits of People Who Live to 100

As you age, everyday tasks can become more tedious. Taking care of your body, mind, and soul is necessary, not an option. Some people need gentle reminders of habits they should be doing, while others must implement life-altering practices. We could all use a little help now and then. This curated list blends general reminders with actionable practices everyone can do to live a longer and fitter life. Implementing a healthier lifestyle does wonders for happiness levels.

These Gen Z managers are doing things very differently — and it seems to be paying off

Zoomer bosses told Business Insider they prioritize their employees' mental health, and are "strict" about ensuring they take time off.

Sydney Sweeney purchases $13.5 million Florida Keys mansion, joining celebrities in 'tropical anonymity'

Sydney Sweeney, who purchased her Florida Keys home for $13.5 million, is the latest star to take advantage of "tropical anonymity."

A millennial couple who ditched van life to buy a $150,000 hoarder house said it's worth it. Take a look inside.

Becky and Drew Bidlen spent three years in a van. They saved up enough money to buy a $150,000 fixer-upper where they're starting a family.

At 102 years old, I still help run my business: Here are my 3 daily practices for a happy and healthy life

At 102, Deborah Szekely still manages a business and goes out often. Here are some practices she credits for her longevity.

Why lifestyle creep can cause HIFIs to spend 'every cent they make,' according to a financial planner

Many Americans feel financially insecure and spend a fortune to appear wealthy, a financial planner, Natasha Knox, said.

Ask Lisa: ‘How can I find a white shirt that actually flatters my figure?’

head of fashion. She began her career in fashion at Vogue. She has written four novels, has an honorary doctorate from the University of Arts in London, and was awarded an OBE in 2022 for services to fashion.Each week, she responds to your queries, lending her expertise to help you shop smart. Have a question for her? Submit it below. Dear Lisa, Th...

7 Essential Fitness Skills Every Man Must Know

👉We're wearing TLF. Use our code TLF-BUFF for 15% off at 🍖🥦 Buff Dudes Cookbook: 😎 JOIN THE BUFF CLUB: 👉GRAB OUR WORKOUT PLANS: 👉 👈 Subscribe to our newsletter for weekly food recipes, exercise tutorials and Buff Dudes updates Essential skill 1 Balance: This is the foundation of all movement. Good balance improves coordination, creates better posture, reduces falls, and helps with activities like carrying objects or playing sports. Here are two great exercises to help you become balanced: Single leg stands: Stand on one leg for 30 seconds, and then repeat on the other side. Hold onto something for support if needed. (Beginner) Walking on a balance beam: This one helps to improve focus and core engagement. (Intermediate) Essential skill 2 Running: A basic human function, running improves cardiovascular health, builds leg strength, and is a great way to stay fit. Whether you’re using it for cardio, sports or even evading danger - running is one of the most essential skills we as human beings possess. Here are two great exercises to help you become a better runner: Interval training: Alternate between periods of high-intensity running and recovery speed walking. (Beginner/Intermediate) #fitness #workout #exercise Running drills: High knees, butt kicks, and jumping rope while moving forward improve running form and coordination. (All Levels) Essential skill 3 Crawling: It’s not just for babies! Crawling improves core strength and shoulder stability. Staying low under smoke, squeezing through tight spaces, or performing military drills - crawling offers stealth and access in tough situations. Here are two great exercises to help up your crawling game: Bear crawls: Improves core and shoulder stability. Start on hands and knees, then alternate opposing arms and legs while keeping your back flat. Slow and controlled is the name of the game. (Beginner/Intermediate) Inchworm: Great for core and upper body strength. Start standing, then walk your hands down until you’re in a plank position, then walk your feet back up to meet your hands and repeat. (Intermediate/Advanced) Essential skill 4 Jumping: Improves explosive power, leg strength, and coordination. In addition to sports, jumping will help you clear obstacles or help you grab items just out of reach. A good jump can literally be a lifesaver. Here are three great exercises to help you increase your jump: Squat jumps: Builds intense power. Do a bodyweight squat then jump explosively as high as you can. (Beginner/Intermediate) Box jumps: This helps to increase your jump height. Use a sturdy box, and jump explosively to land on top, starting with a shorter box and progressively working your way up to taller ones. (Intermediate/Advanced) Single leg hops: Improves balance and leg strength. Hop on one leg for repetitions, then switch. (All Levels) Essential skill 5 Climbing: Builds upper body strength and grip strength. In addition, climbing can benefit many sports like gymnastics or kayaking. Daily activities will improve as well, due to climbing’s focus on increased strength and flexibility. Here are two great exercises to help you become a better climber: Rock climbing gyms: The safest way to learn and practice climbing techniques. (All Levels) Pull-ups: Builds upper body pulling strength essential for climbing. (Beginner/Intermediate) Essential skill 6 Lifting: Essential for everyday tasks and helping to build overall strength. Learning proper lifting techniques prevents injuries and back pain. Here are two great exercises to help you learn to properly lift: Deadlifts: Builds total-body strength, improves posture, functional movement and athletic performance. (Beginner/Intermediate with proper form) Squats: Builds lower body strength, improves core stability and greatly helps to improve everyday activities. (All Levels) Essential skill 7 Carrying: Goes hand-in-hand with lifting. A strong core and proper technique ensure you can carry objects safely and efficiently, whether that be building materials on a construction site, food from the grocery store or even other people. Here are three great exercises to help better your carrying skills: Farmer's walk: Hold weights in each hand and walk for distance. Improves grip strength and core stability. (Beginner/Intermediate) Suitcase carry: Hold a weight in one hand and walk for distance, switch hands halfway. Improves core stability and unilateral strength. (Beginner/Intermediate) Walking lunges with weights: Combine the benefits of lunges and carrying weights. It also helps to improve cardiovascular capabilities. (Intermediate/Advanced)

Woman Loses 50 Pounds By Following Five Simple Rules

"I must say that after a month, everything was restored, and I became much happier than before," Albina Angan, 20, told Newsweek.

Why the Best Routine to Manage My Bipolar Includes Spontaneity

I recognize the importance of a consistent routine for managing bipolar. But to maintain my stability, it’s crucial for me to have free time for spontaneity. The Importance of Routine When Living With Bipolar We hear it all the time: Routine is so important for people with bipolar disorder! Keep a steady routine to combat... The post Why the Best Routine to Manage My Bipolar Includes Spontaneity appeared first on

30 Activities to Avoid After 75: The Golden Years

We all have loved ones that have hit this magical milestone. Or maybe you've reached 75 yourself! 75 and older can be a wonderful chapter to life, but some things no longer make sense to do.

I'm Gen X and about to retire. I'm excited to have more time for things I love, but stressed about financial stability.

I started working when I was 13 and haven't stopped. As a Gen Xer, I'm ready to retire but also worry about financial stability in the future.

‘I was fat, old and widowed – then I found love and lost a stone’

My world collapsed when I lost my beloved wife Kim to ovarian cancer in 2017 when she was just 59. We were happily married for 38 years and had been through so much together over the decades. The loss just felt shattering. Dealing with the grief, I stopped caring about myself, eating junk all day and drinking beer every night. Our family house just...

Walking This Many Steps Daily Has Huge Benefits For People Who Sit All Day

A new study says you can combat the harm that comes from a sedentary life.

Foods that slow brain aging and how to incorporate them in your diet

A new study has shown that specific nutrients, similar to those found in the Mediterranean diet, can play a crucial role in slowing brain aging, according to Healthline. Foods that slow brain aging Scientists have found that fatty fish should be included in your diet. "Fatty fish, like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and trout, are rich in omega-3 fatt...

Younger and older residents in retirement villages ‘clash’ over ageism, study finds

Younger residents of retirement villages are at war with older generations who feel they are being treated like “lepers”, according to an academic study. Researchers interviewed 40 residents at four developments across England and were “surprised” to find the people they termed the “Peter Pans” were often at loggerheads with their older neighbours,...

Kelly Ripa ‘Really Shows Up’ With Her ‘Sacred’ Workouts: Inside Her Routine

Kelly Ripa is a busy woman, but she never lets her schedule get in the way of her health and fitness goals. “She really shows up,” Ripa’s trainer, Anna Kaiser, exclusively revealed in the latest issue of Us Weekly while promoting her Virtual Studios program, costing just $39 a month. The Live With Kelly and Mark […]

Experts Say These Are The 5 Worst Foods For Your Cholesterol

Experts say certain foods can impact your cholesterol levels, putting you at risk for adverse events. View Entire Post ›

16 Best Ways to Thrive & Stretch Your Budget in Retirement

Reaching retirement is a milestone accomplishment, but it also comes with a fresh set of challenges. Like learning to manage your expenses on a fixed income while maintaining your ideal standard of living. In this guide, we’ll explore 16 tried-and-true methods to help you thrive financially during your golden years. From smart spending habits to maximizing your benefits, these tips will ensure you make the most of your retirement funds.

Reese Witherspoon's Life in Photos

The actress has been in the limelight for almost two decades.

DIYer Flips Grimy Mid-Century Modern Dresser Into Bonafide Stunner with a Simple Technique

She paid $150 and made more than 2x back.

Staying fit as you age isn’t just about exercise. Experts say to prioritize these 4 habits

A fitness regimen should incorporate mental and emotional fitness as well.

Young Americans are so obsessed with being rich it’s now distorting their views of their finances — here’s why ‘the norm’ no longer seems ‘normal’

The endless scroll takes its toll.

5 ways to feel beach body ready – exactly as you are

5 ways to feel beach body ready – exactly as you are - Psychologists share simple ways to feel more confident, because every body is a beach body. By Camilla Foster.

These Are The ‘Immediate’ Benefits Of Stopping Drinking

Some benefits set in as quickly as an hour after stopping.

12 Habits Only Organized People Have

So fresh and so clean.

10 Interesting Facts About People Who Like to Be Alone

Here are 10 interesting facts about people who like to be alone. If you like being alone most of the time, you will relate to this list a lot. And if you're more social and outgoing, this video will provide you with valuable insight into the truly amazing world of the lone wolf personality type so that you can better understand the loners in your life. While it's easy to say that people who enjoy being alone are just more introverted or shy, there's actually more to the quiet type. In fact, there are many special personality traits of people who like to be alone. Loners also tend to be highly intuitive people, and their intuition is a powerful guiding force in their lives. So, whether you were born to be a loner or just want to learn more about these folks, you'll learn a lot from this video. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Subscribe To Our Channel for More Videos Like This! TWITTER: FACEBOOK:

68-year-old who ‘un-retired’ shares the 4 biggest retirement myths 'more people need to talk about'

After an unfulfilling retirement, 68-year-old George Jerjian unretired and started his own company. He shares the most important lessons that most retirees don't talk about.

As a Therapist, Here Are 5 Habits That Could Be Making Your Anxiety Way Worse

You might actually be fueling your anxiety without realizing it

5 Foods That Are Surprisingly Healthy

Eating healthily doesn't mean sacrificing flavor. Some foods often considered guilty pleasures can be surprisingly good for you. Here are five unexpectedly healthy options for your next snack. Pasta. Low in fat and salt, pasta keeps you satiated longer, reducing the likelihood of overeating. Popcorn. Often dismissed as junk food, popcorn is rich in fiber, supporting digestion and providing vitamin B, manganese and magnesium. Honey. A natural sweetener loaded with antioxidants, honey offers cell protection, anti-inflammatory benefits and contributes to a healthy gut. Chocolate. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids that may safeguard against cell damage, lower blood pressure, and improve heart and brain health. Alcohol. In moderation, alcohol can offer protection against heart disease, kidney stones, gallstones and type 2 diabetes. However, it's crucial to avoid excessive consumption for optimal well-being.

How to Wear a Flannel Shirt During Every Season

There are no rules when it comes to the staple.

The New Quarter-Life Crisis

Running a marathon has become a milestone for a growing number of young adults.

Woody Harrelson’s vegan journey: From Acne struggles to activism!

Discover how Woody Harrelson's switch to a vegan diet transformed his life, cleared his acne, and fueled his passion for activism.

What to Know About Water Heater Maintenance and How to Extend Its Life

Regardless of the type of water heater your home has, it's important to keep up with regular maintenance to keep the appliance in good condition for years. A tank-style water heater will last about eight to 12 years, while a tankless water heater can last up to 20 years. Homeowners and DIYers with some basic plumbing knowledge can take care of most...

20 Items You Can Ditch for a More Minimalist Lifestyle

Minimalism at home is about more than just an Instagram aesthetic featuring ivory walls, bare shelves, and pristine closets. Beyond decluttering, minimalism embraces simplicity and focuses on what truly sparks joy and adds value to everyday life. Try getting started with a good, old-fashioned purge.