Living with your parents and roommates is cost-friendly and extremely convenient, but what happens when it’s time to move out? Your 20s are an era in which you experience going from being taken care of to doing it on your own. It can be scary and nerve-racking to live on your own, but in the end, it’s worth it. If you’re questioning if this is the right thing to do, keep reading. There was no better audience to hear from than you. We asked fellow 20-somethings about their survival tips for living alone, what they learned, and the importance of it. Use these tips to put yourself at ease and welcome this new journey with an open mind.

Living alone in your 20s isn’t that bad, right?

You’re taught self-discipline.

When you’re on your own, it’s easy to get lazy. Are you disciplined enough to clean up after yourself or work out? It all comes down to you. After a while, your mindset shifts and you realize that time spent binge-watching your favorite show when you could be doing a Sunday reset is time wasted.

You get to spend time with yourself.

Yes, spending time with yourself may sound boring, but it’s an experience you’ll grow to love and will become selfish with over time. This affords you the opportunity to bask in your own energy with your own thoughts, decisions, and alone time. Pick up a new hobby or take yourself on a solo date. No matter what you do, you soon realize that being happy starts with you.

These are the top survival tips you should know.

We decided to ask our very own audience who’s lived alone in their 20s or is currently living alone, and here’s what they had to say.

“Learn how to cook.” – Will T.

The endless amounts of fast food will soon weigh down on your body and your pockets. Look up your favorite entrees and create them at home. Contact family members for their recipes and redefine what a home-cooked meal is to you.

“Invest in good security.” – Destiny L.

Protecting yourself is key when you’re home alone. You can’t keep all eyes on every part of your home, so invest in quality security devices that can.

“Find a hobby and stick to it!” – Ayana B.

One of the things you learn while you’re alone is you have nothing to do, aka no hobbies. Try new things like a pottery class or pickleball. Whether you love it or hate it, at least you tried. Make finding a new hobby the hobby and then stick to it. You’ll never be out of things to do.

“Shop slow and invest in pieces you love.” – Savannah W.

Some can be in a rush to decorate and style their home. So much so that, sooner than later,  you’re not really satisfied or find yourself switching out decor pieces often. Take your time and find those pieces that reflect you. Make your space homey, but shop slowly.

“Live within your means and be comfortable with it.” – Alex M.

It’s okay if you don’t start in the most upscale home or apartment. Living within your means helps you save money now and later afford the lifestyle you really want. Make your house a home and find luxe pieces for less.

“Set boundaries.” – Arie E.

Setting boundaries for your home is a great way to show your guests how to treat your home like you would. Don’t be afraid to put your foot down. Either they’ll respect your boundaries or won’t be welcomed back.

“Start your week off fresh.” – Brianna C.

Weekly tasks can pile up if they aren’t tended to. The more they pile up, the less motivation you’ll have to complete them. The upkeep gets easier when you stick to a schedule and follow it. So start fresh with tasks. Turn on your favorite jams and make chores a little more fun.

“Create a going out schedule and have intentional dates with friends.” – Jada S.

Too much alone time isn’t all that good. You become comfy with yourself and begin to push off friends. To fix that, create a schedule and plan dates with your friends. It’s necessary and gives you something to look forward to.

“Budget and decorate!” – Randi M.

Decorating is exciting, but don’t splurge on every little thing you think you might like. Invest, find inspiration, and most importantly, budget. If you can find it at a more affordable price or even do it yourself, take that route. You’ll thank yourself later.

The post Living Alone Tips appeared first on Home & Texture.

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